It started as a great night for a party! Amalia Broome hosted a great bash at the Jazz Cat to celebrate Freedom. The crowd was large, and the fun even bigger! Later in the evening, folks moved on, leaving a handful of us dancing and pondering the profound SL issues. And, as usual with the InfoGroupies, it all began innocently enough.
Galia Beck, Timo Dumpling, Forelle Broek, Alacrity Lorefield, Espin Carroll, Stolvano Barbosa, Lludmila Mirrikh, Gray Pennell, and I started talking about camping, campers and camperbots. We discussed whether camping should be allowed, how new folks might earn money, and how the zombie camper bots were just plain scary. Then Alacrity said "The Night Of The Camperbots, In Technicolor"! And we were off! What follows is the list of 573 camping titles! (Injury Report: Aching sides, sore cheeks from smiling, breathlessness due to laughter, spitting up on a keyboard, and a complete collapse).
* The Night Of The Camperbots, In Technicolor! * Sunrise At Camperbotello
* Son Of The Bride Of Camper * Son Of A Camper!
* Hallocampween * The Texas Camper Massacre
* Teenage Mutant Ninja Campers * Camper Van Newbie
* LA Camperdential. * Night Of The Living Campers?
* I Was A Teenage Camper... * The Day The Campers Stood Still
* The Revenge Of The Campers * I Know Where you Camped Last Summer
* Camper With Out A Cause * Citizen Camper
* Campers In Black. * The Hudsucker "Camper
* Forrest Camp * Men In Campers
* Mommy Camper * A Camper For All Seasons
* Three Campers In Space * Return Of The Camper
* Camper Boulevard * How To Cook A Camper
* 9 1/2 Campers * Camper Wars
* Camp Hot Pot * Last Camper In Paris
* Two Campers And A Baby * The Dirty Campers
* Camperella * Acampolypse Now
* Planet Of The Campers * West Side Camper
* Conan The Camper * Return To Planet Of The Campers
* The Camper Zone * Leave It To Camper
* Battlecamp Gallactica * Campers Island
* Tim The Camp Toolman * They Shoot Campers Don't They!!!!!
* Charlie's Campers * Campzilla
* Lord Of The Campers * Gone With The Campers
* Camper Of The Flies * Fellowship Of The Campers
* The Two Campers * The Two Campers
* The Lord Of The Campers * Indiana Camper
* The Call Of The Camper * The Campling
* Camp Expectations * The Campers Guide To The Galaxy
* And The Temple Of Campers * Camper And Clyde
* Campers Of The Lost Ark * Or The Hitchhikers Guide To Camping
* Campers At The End Of The Universe * Campers Guide To The Galaxy
* So Long And Thanks For All The Campers * Maltese Camper
* The Thin Camper * How To Be Camp When Camping
* A Camper Runs Through It * Campers For Dinner
* My Big Fat Greek Camper * Guess Who’s Camping For Dinner?
* The Royal Camperbaums * Mccamper And The Fenceposts Rock
* Camp And Campability * The Seven Year Camper
* A Camper For All Seasons * Do Not Camp My Style
* Camper The Cape Crusader * The Man With The Golden Camper
* Batman And Camper * Campbusters
* You Only Camp Twice * Camping On The Ritz
* When Harry Met Campers * The Camper Always Rings Twice
* Camper's Eleven * Ten Ways To Lose A Camper
* Harry Potter And The Camper's Stone * My Best Friend's Camping
* How To Marry A Camper * Don't Shoot The Camper
* Gentlemen Prefer Campers * From Here To Campernity
* The Road To Camping * Dances With Campers
* Please Don't Eat The Campers * Campers At Tiffany's
* Don’t Drink The Camper * Mum I Shrunk The Campers
* The Good The Bad And The Camper * Invasion Of The Camping Snatchers
* To Catch A Camper * Here Comes The Camper!
* Supercamper * The Pink Camper
* Camper By The Dozen * A Hard Day's Camping
* All The Camper's Men * Snow White And The Seven Campers
* No Country For Old Campers * E.T., The Camper
* Lock Stock And Two Smoking Campers * The Camping Submarine
* All The Pretty Campers * The Camping Submarine
* Pretty Camper * The Working Camper
* All The President's Campers * Camped Yesterday
* Camper Vs. Camper * Young Campenstein
* War Of The Campers * Campers Of The Sierra Madre
* Mirabelle's Camping * Edward Camperhands
* Finding Campers * To Sink The Camper
* Beatlecamper * Butch Campsidy And Campdance Kid
* Come Back Little Camper * Das Camp
* How To Succeed In Camping Without Really Trying * To Kill A Mocking Camper
* Rebecca And He Sunnybrook Camp * The Flying Campstead
* Little Camp On The Prairie * The Magnificent Campersons
* Campers Day Night * Ideal Camping, The Ins And Outs Of Tent Pegs
* The Camper And The Beast * Saving Private Camper
* The Longest Camper * To Camp And Back
* Captain Camper And The World Of Tomorrow * 2001* A Camper Odyssey
* Smokey And The Camper * To Camp And Camp Not
* The Camper Of The Ring * Le Camp Aux Folles
* Bird Camp * The Camper Wreckers
* Call Of The Camp * Bob And Camp And Camp And Camp
* Farewell To Campers * Campertdown ( A Road Accident)
* Campers Of The Caribbean * Camping Holiday
* For Whom The Camp Tolls * Starship Campers
* Sweet Camper * "Campertown Lady Sing That Song, Doo Dah, Doo Dah"
* V For Camper * My Fair Camper
* The Camptrix * The Sound Of Campers
* The Planet Of The Campers * Aeoncamper
* Econocamp * Paint Your Camper
* The Lion The Witch And The Camper * Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Camper
* Campanology * It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad Camper
* A Camp With A View * Lady And The Camper
* Laura Croft, Camp Raider * The Adventures Of Robin Camper
* The Campers Of Madison County * A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Camping
* Antiques Camp Show * Sherlock Holms, The Camper In Red
* The X-Campers * Lonesome Camp
* C*A*M*P * Das Cabinet Des Dr Camper
* The Camper Rising * I Came, I Saw, I Camped
* Camper, Texas * Kiss Of The Spider Camper
* The Three Campertiers * A Midsummer Night's Camper
* The Camper In The Iron Mask * The Dam Campers
* King Camper * Pirates Of The Caribbean - The Curse Of The Black Camper
* La Belle Camper Sans Merci * Sinbad And The Eye Of The Camper
* The Passion Of The Campers * The Camper Of Notre Dame
* Be Camped * The Camp Of Monte Cristo
* It Happened One Camping Night * Hunting For - A Place To Camp
* Ali Baba And The Forty Campers * The Phantom Of The Camper
* Die Niebelungenkamper * A Campfederacy Of Dunces
* Devil In Mrs. Camper * The Camper Of Monet Cristo?
* El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote De La Camper * My Camping Ex-Girlfriend
* "To Camp, Or Not To Camp, That Is The Question." * Camplet?
* Campso Pansa * The Joy Of Camping
* Murder By Camping * Romeo And Campulette?
* The Gay Joy Of Camping * Camping She Wrote
* Campablanca * Everything You Wanted To Know About Camping
* Campula, Dead And Loving It * The Naked And The Camper
* Never Give A Camper An Even Break * Camping On The Orient Express
* Paradise Camped * Holy Camper
* Big Camping In Little China * Infinite Camp
* In Search For The Holy Camper * Camperdile Dundee
* Bill & Ted's Excellent Camping Adventure * The Da Vinci Camper
* The Camper Code * Fear Of Camping
* Angels And Campers * Ten Little Campers
* Back To The Camper * Midnight In The Garden Of Camping And Evil
* Teen Camper * Camping With Wolves
* I Was A Teenage Camper * Bonfire Of The Campers
* Dr. Camper * The Three Campers Of Eve
* The 40 Year Old Camper * I Never Promised You A Rose Camper
* Camper The Cable Guy * Diary Of A Mad Camper!
* Camp And The World Camps With You * The Story Of Eddy's Camper
* Spaced Campers * Matrix Campers
* Camp Camp Camp Baked Beans And Camp * The Campers Shall Inherit The Earth
* The Meek Shall Inherit The Camping * The Campers Of Navarone
* Easy Campers * High Camper
* A Camper Too Far * The Camper Also Rises
* High Plains Camper * All Quiet On The Camper Front
* Campers Of The Purple Sage * The Camper Never Settles
* The Camper Also Rises * Big Two-Hearted Camper
* For Who The Camper Tolls * The Camper Rings Twice
* House Of The Flying Campers * Fall Of The House Of Campers
* The Incredible Camper * The Telltale Camper
* The Camp Of Amontillado * Camper And Jane
* The Valley Of The Campers * Alien Vs. Camper
* The Camper List * The Camper Sisters
* Repent And Be Camper * Crouching Tiger, Hidden Camper
* Boys In The 'Mp * Enter The Camper
* The Jolly Green Camper * Camperspotting
* A Shallow Camp * The Luck Of Roaring Camper
* Ben Camper * The Celebrated Jumping Camper Of Calaveras County
* Camperhog Day * The Ten Campmandments
* How Much Is That Camper In The Window * The Camper Code
* It's A Mad, Mad, Camper * Thou Shalt Not Camp Outside The Designated Camp Spot
* How To Win Friends And Influence Campers * The League Of Extraordinary Campers
* Reservoir Campers * 20,000 Campers Under The Sea
* She's Gotta Camp It * On Golden Camper
* Sex Lies And Campers * Butterfield Camp
* Camper Of The Iguana * Campford Wives
* The Seven Deadly Campers * The Attack Of The Giant Campers
* The 50 Foot Camper * Third Camp From The Sun
* The Magnificent Seven Campers * Campership Down
* National Camper * This Camper Earth
* The Camper Of Oz * Behind The Green Camper
* The Pink Camper * Seven Campers For Seven Brothers
* Mystery Science Camper 3000 The Movie * Six Degrees Of Camperation
* It Takes Two To Camp * Revenge Of The Pink Camper
* A Camper In The Dark * Easy Camper
* Superman Recamps * The Camper Who Came Out Of The Cold
* Those Magnificent Campers In Their Camping Chairs * Who's Afraid Of Virginia Camper?
* When Campers Collide * Smiley's Campers
* The Camper Who Never Was * About A Camper
* Dead Campers Don't Wear Plaid * The Day The Camper Stood Still
* The Camper Conspiracy * Rosemary's Camper
* In The Gulag Campapelago * Why Did The Camper Cross The Road?
* Notting Camper * Mork And Camper
* For What Camper The Bell Tolls * Camping With The Stars
* Much Ado About Camping * Rocky Horror Camper Show
* Camper Almighty * The Brothers Camper
* Take Another Little Piece Of My Camp Now Baby * The Life Of Camper
* Anna Campenina * Shall We Camp?
* Camper And Camper * Irma La Camp
* War And Camp * Campfather
* The Day The Earth Stood Camping * How The Camper Stole Christmas
* Notes From The Camperground * The Camper In The Hat
* The Bobsey Campers * The Three Campers
* It's A Wonderful Camper * My Man Camper
* The Camper In The Gray Flannel Suit * When Its Camper Time Down South
* Campigula * The Secret Life Of Walter Camper
* Close Camping Of The Third Kind * Our Man In Campvana
* Our Man Camp * Guys And Campers
* Mr., Camper * The Wrong Camper
* Mr. And Mrs. Camper * Camper Of Sierra Madre
* Son Of Camper * George Washington Camped Here
* Camp Trek The Next Generation * The Bridge On The River Camp
* This Old Camper * Campy Old Men
* Campers? We Don't Need No Stinking Campers! * I Came I Saw I Camped
* Boyz N The Camp * The Camper Of Bellaire
* Spinal Camp * Dirty Camping
* Camper On The Beach * School For Campers
* The Pride of Miss Jean Camper * Beyond The Black Camper
* The Long Thin Red Camper * Back To The Camper
* The Camper Of The Black Lagoon * 101 Campers
* The Taking Of Camper 123 * Anna And The Camper Of Siam
* Camper The 13th * Camp 9 From Outer Space
* How Green Is My Camper? * The Blue Camper Brothers
* Valley Of The Campers * The Camper Story
* The Ice Man Campeth * All The President's Campers
* Profiles In Campage * Death Of A Camper
* Wag The Camper * Cat On A Hot Tin Camper
* Camp On A Hot Tim Roof * The Long Hot Camper
* The Camper Who Knew To Much * Wet Hot Camping Summer
* Lady Campers Lover * A Long Days Journey Into Camping
* Debbie Does Camper * Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Camper
* War And Camping * Have A Great Camp
* Snow White And The Seven Campers * The Crying Of Camp 49
* Who Shot Liberty Camper * The Seventh Camper
* Camped On The Fourth Of July * The Camperdown Race Track
* The Camper Of The Baskervilles * Three Men And A Camper
* Wuthering Camp * The Quiet Camper
* Camper Din * The Camper House Rules
* Mein Camp * The Little Camper
* Secret Life Of Walter Camping * Lost In Camping
* The Camping Manifesto * Dial C For Camping
* The Merry Camper * Camp Alone
* The Bell Camper * Trains Camps And Automobiles
* Camper Takes A Holiday * Camping and Peace
* Campers In The Park * Nights Of Camperia
* A Christmas Camper * Rear [Camper] Window
* Camped To Kill * The Lady Of The Camp
* Camp And Be Damned * The Philadelphia Camper
* The Isle Of Dr. Campago * Men At Camping
* The Island Of Dr Camper * The Campers (Hitchcock Movie)
* Single White Camper * Campers On A Train
* Camper (Palahniuk Novel) * Two And Half Campers
* Beneath The Valley Of The Campervixens * Looking For Mr. Campbar
* Sleeping Camper * Who Framed Camper Rabbit?
* Ask Not What your Camper Can Do For You * A Camper Does Dallas
* Ich Bin Ein Kamper * Red Badge Of Camping
* Snakes On A Camper * The Red Camper
* The Camp Over The River Kwai * Bram Stoker's Camper
* Das Camper * Mien Kampfer
* Camper On The Rue Morgue * Arsenic And Old Camp
* The Road To Campwood * Impossible Camper Or Mission Camper
* Campers Wide Shut * Animal Camp
* Much Ado About Camping * Campacus
* A Mid Summers Camper * Clan Of The Camp Chairs
* Anthony And Cleocamper * Julius Camper
* Seven Campers For Seven Sisters * The Man Who Shot Liberty Camper
* Camper In The Iron Mask * Mad Camper Beyond Thunderdome
* Campigula * Campblanca
* Is Paris Camping * The Campers Of Fire
* Stop The Camping I Want To Get Off.. * Campers On A Plane
* Five Easy Campers * Around The World In 80 Campers
* A.C. Artificial Camping * The War Of The Campers
* One Flew Over The Campers' Nest * The Andromeda Camper
* The Camping Express * The Camper Time Forgot
* Jurassic Camp * The Terminal Camper
* A Campers Dilemma, Ants * Saturday Night Camper
* The Lion, The Witch & The Camper * The Camperator
* Uncle Tom's Camper * River Camper
* Some Camper In Time * The Dream Campers
* Decamperance * Your Own Private Camp
* Camper Time * Camp & Campability
* Desperately Seeking Campers * Mr. Goodcamp
* Sleepless In Camp * The Lone Camper
* Camper To Remember * Campdide
* Glengarry Glen Camper * Campofile
* Tend Thy Camp * Camper On 34th Street
* Camper On The Roof * It's A Wonderful Camper
* The Santa Camper * Far From The Camping Crowd
* The Littlest Camper * The Greatest Camper Ever Told
* The Greatest Camper On Earth * The Hairdresser's Camper
* O Camper Where Art Thou? * The Never Ending Camp
* Camp Magnolias * The Mayor Of Camperbridge
* Legally Camping * The Headless Camper
* Henry, Portrait Of A Serial Camper * The Incampibles
* Campers By The Dozen * The Beginners Guide To Camping
* The Camper Bunch * Idiots Guide To Camping
* All In The Camping * The Camper Busters
* The Campers Guides * Three Campers For Sister Sara
* The I Love Camping Show * The Four Campers Of The Apocalypse
* How To Marry A Camper * Camper Royale
* The Camper Who Loved Me * Camperball
* The Camper Who Came In From The Cold * The Dukes Of Camper!
* Night Of The Camper * Revenge Of The Camper Vixens From Outer Space
* Much Ado About Camping * Thanks For Camping
* Chicago, That Campin' Town * Some Like It Camp
* Camp On State Street
* Dr. Strangelove* Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Campers
* Nor Covet Thy Neighbor’s Camp, Or Wife, Or Ass, Or Thy Neighbor's Wife's Ass