I'd been walking past Teo's latest effort, the Library Art Gallery for a while now. It is right next to the Main Library on Info Island. It is, like many galleries, not terribly showy on the outside. It has a pleasing exterior that is inviting but does not compete with its contents. In other words, its perfect!
Last evening was the grand opening of the gallery, and the first show. Art departments from the University of Kentucky and East Tennessee State University are represented in the works shown.
Arriving a bit late, the intense lag told me that the opening was a smash success! I was going to open my map and see how many were in attendance, but I figured loading the map would be glacially slow, and decided to go inside to see the artworks. And, wow!
It would be difficult to decide which one to spend the most time looking at, studying, enjoying or deciding to buy for my home. The two works depicting the timeless grandeur of the ocean caught my eye right away. The color and movement were almost hypnotic. On an adjacent wall were two photographic works that were intriguing for their use of light and shadow. Upstairs were works that were very impressive in the use of color. I particularly was drawn to the image of the young woman in a red dress standing before a weathered fence. That image tells a story.
So, please visit the gallery, and congrats to Teo and the artists for their wonderful work.
Then, of course there was an excellent party! We were dancing in the grass to some great music provided by Gabrielle Riel DJ and owner of Radio Riel.
Also this week was an interesting discussion on Cybersex: Talking about the elephant in the room was facilitated by a panel of three, Katt Tomsen, Trina Varriale, and Holly Chase. It was another well attended event with a lot of thought provoking conversation. I confess that I went to the meeting because I simply do not understand the whole concept of cybersex.
Now, some of you might think that I'm either way too old, way too prudish, way too married, or just way too dense to understand the appeal of cybersex. And you might be right. I can understand cyber love! But cybersex escapes me. For me sex is an intimacy builder, a trust enhancer, a life affirming experience, and a profound expression of love. Then there are the earth shattering orgasms, a nice frosting on a really great cake. My imagination cannot make the leap that enables me to see how all of that is transmittable via a keyboard. And, I think that I will let it go right there. It seems that I am incapable of communicating my thoughts on the subject.
I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts on the subject. Here or in-world.