Last fall many of us felt that we wanted a group just for those of us who loved hanging out at the reference desk. The purpose was to be able to communicate with one another. Of course the first step was to come up with a name. Insane brainstorming ensued, and the InfoGroupies was chosen.
As so often happens, the next day I thought of the title Infomaniac! Now, I'd already paid the 100 Lindens, so I thought, why not have one name for the group, and another for the members! Most groups have member titlers different than the group name. So, we all became Infomaniacs. (By the way, there are some other titles available, and we can create a few more. If you have a suggestion for at group titler, let me know).
Later on the Relay for Life team came to be. When asked what our team name was, the term Infomaniac Racers popped into my head. The team needed a group, so I named it the Infomaniacs, period. The thinking was that this group could have different goals at different times as needed. Plus, I loved that name and wanted it for us! So, the group called the Infomaniacs was born.
Anyway, there is no 'special' group of folks in the Infomaniacs. No clique, no secret messages, no private events. Believe me when I say that I need as many organizational tools as possible to help keep me on track.
The InfoGroupies is my first group, my favorite group, and consists of my very best friends.
If this doesn't answer your questions, PLEASE talk with me!
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