Just one look will tell who works here! Torley Linden! What an awesome use of shapes, colors and that wonderful quality called creativity! Its so much fun just to look at! And, if you would like a Torley Linden bear, its way at the top, (indicated by obnoxious white arrow I added. Torley would never be so boring).
1 comment:
Torley is a force of nature and an admirable person. He's contended with Asperger's Syndrome and hyperacusis, and he seems to operate on the principle that every such hindrance, looked at rightly, is also a gift. How else explain his boundless, infectious enthusiasm, his ability to do what he does while being exactly who he is?
It's "news we can use" -- and not just in the sense of being put in our place by the thought of someone who struggles against more difficulties than we do. It isn't about comparisons at all; it's about taking a page from the book of an individual who's mastered a transformative way of looking at things.
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