Tuesday, September 9, 2008


While standing in my living room, talking via IM, I spotted a small item floating in the water just past our house. Upon closer inspection, I found this adorable creature! His tail moves ever so slowly, as the inner tube drifts in the waves.

I am jealous of this cat! I don't remember ever being jealous of an inanimate object before. Well, it is animated. But, you know what I mean. I want to be this cat! Adrift on a quiet body of water, smiling and peaceful. He must have Fancy Feast delivered right to his tube, he is a well fed cat.

Maybe I should give meditation another try. Close my eyes and become the cat. Feel the warmth of the sun, hear the quiet lapping of the water, and for a while have not a care in the world. Do I hear myself purring?

Lets all take a moment to be one with the cat. It could very well be the best moment of the day!


From this picture, it seems Leeorie has already begun meditating. You might consider a more comfy outfit next time. But you don't need sun block, right Lee?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Well, HEH!

We done trucked the dern stuff to the damned market by wagon! Happy now, ya blasted whipper snapper!

And, while I likes a drink, I don't over do it no more. Thats what bein poor as dirt will do to ya.


Monday, September 1, 2008

Random Stuff

Meet the alt! This is Rainne Darkstone. She lives in Deadwood, sort of. She headed west to find some gold in the Black Hills. So far, she is barely able to feed herself. The other miners must be getting rich. Rainne has a small dry spot out of town to sleep. She tries to avoid trouble when she goes to town. Its not easy because she just cannot seem to keep quiet. The town folk are very nice, one of them, a Miss Skye Qi offered her a new dress! But, Rainne would not take charity. Her parents taught her to be proud and to fend for herself.

Rainne was born in 1814 on a truck farm in New Jersey. She never went to school, and cannot read to this day. She married a nice young man who had a dream of moving to the Illinois wilderness. He had heard of the the great soil there. So, off they went. Rainne had three children. Her boy died fighting the rebels. One daughter is married and living in Illinois still. The youngest daughter headed west to follow a man and a dream. When Rainne's husband died, she decided to head west also. She wanted the freedom, and to maybe find her lost girl.

She is tough, wise, and loves to make a joke or point out the silliness of others. Basically, she is kind hearted, and loves children and cats. The librarian in Deadwood, Miss Lena Kjeller, has taken an interest in Rainne. She is a nice young woman with more clothes than Rainne has ever seen!

Hair fair ran for the last week. It was mostly insane. The lag demonstrating how popular it was. Upon rezzing, a warning screen came down, asking that you remove extra prims. The woman above did just that! She decided to make a bold statement by coloring her skin the same blue as her little prim taxi. As you can see, she felt she must say the obvious by was of a small tummy memo. Bonus oints given for an attention-getting concept.

Time has just gotten away from me. So, here are a few photos that you might enjoy. The jet skiing took place at a sim-warming party given by Galia and Timo. What a lovely island. If you are looking for a place to call home, contact them directly, or send me an IM. The mountain top is really special.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Do Not Try This At Home!

This is not a new dance. This is not a new poseball from Bits and Bobs. This is not a trick photo.

This is me, in a rather uncomfortable pose. Just where this photo was taken is as mysterious as the way my feet are positioned. Not to mention my legs. This evening SL was playing with me.

Lots of fun new things happened. Journeys to the center of the metaverse. Odd contortions. Saying hello to folks who were represented only by shoes. And something totally new, double teleports! Yep, teleport in to one place, and no sooner rez than boom, the screen goes dark and tells me it is requesting teleport!

Points are given for creativity in the borking event. Probably will have to go buy my own gold medal for this one though. Unless there is a buy warning in effect!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Look of Love

Congratulations Hypatia and Ambrose!

The bride wore the most divine gown of white with tiny ruby accents. The groom was dashing in a classic black jacket with tails.

The toasts from friends were heartfelt, the music superb, and the cake awesome.

With a great beginning like this, there can be no doubt of a wonderful future!

All the best to you both!

Yes, our butts got wet

While strolling around the new build at Willow we were left somewhat breathless by this incredible sight! Its a functioning fountain backed by the best bit of photography I've seen in SL.
The depth of field and sharpness of the image calls to mind Ansel Adams! It was too good to just look at, Leeorie, Rocky and I simply had to become one with the artwork.

Oh, we had fun too!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Even the biggest investors need sound advice in these uneasy economic times. Is your savings account as thin as a graham cracker? Is the value of the stock you bought melting down like a Hersey bar on the dashboard in July? Has the price of gas made you feel like you have been impaled on a sharp stick? When its time to pay the bills, do you sweat like you are being roasted over a fire? Do you have the sensation of being squished by the bite that inflation takes from your salary?

Well, head for Investing Info Island! No financial question is too huge! No problem too sticky! Everything you ever wanted to know about making your saving grow is there! You will feel much easier when you learn how to cope with the massive money worries we all share! After some careful research, you will no longer feel like a tiny bug about to be stepped on! You will smile, and open your arms to embrace the security that sound investing information can provide.

What s'more could you want?


(The Staypuft Marshmallow was played by someone named Susan).

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ever Feel Out of Step?

While wandering around, looking for something ( I cannot remember what), I spotted this glaring error on a wall of stuff for sale. It may not be a mistake, it could be an attention getting device. We can give the merchant the benefit of the doubt, I guess. In any case, this avatar was all alone, hanging upside down.

When I grabbed the snapshot, I thought that it would make a short, funny blog entry. Then a few days went by, and I'd forgotten all about it. Today, while looking at my photographs found this one.

It must have been fate! This is kind of how I felt yesterday and today. Upside down in a right side up universe. Nothing big happened. No gut wrenching conversations. It began yesterday at a mentor's meeting. Sitting across the table from me was one of the older residents of SL. A man who has been mentoring for ages. A person who has the ear of the Lindens. I started to feel inadequate. I typed in several comments for the discussion, and deleted them all. Finally at the end, I had a thought to share, and when I did, it fell like a snowflake in the dead of winter, quiet and ignored. Not one person present said a word about it. And I could feel my confidence begin to shrink away.

Then, later on, a friend replied to an email, and clearly I had not communicated well. Or, she chose to reinterpret my words in a way that would alter the course of action proposed. I felt frustrated. This morning I've been in my backyard wondering how in the hell I'm going to get control over it! The damn weeds, the overgrown bushes, tree limbs that have to be cut back... its a very long list.

I'm overwhelmed, and feeling like that avatar, upside down in a right side up world.

I'm not sad, alone, scared, or overly emotional about all of this. It happens to everyone at times. That sneaky feeling that we simply are not good enough. A good laugh, a decent idea and all will be well. Hell, even Mr. Highly-Experienced-Mentor has to have his moments. In fact, I'm convinced that he is too far removed from being a new mentor to really appreciate our need for confidence building support. (A wiki post cannot solve that problem).

In fact, damn it, I'm feeling so much better after writing this, I'm going to implement my idea! If it fails, so what! At least I will have given it a go! And, I think it might be successful. After all, even when I'm not feeling confident, I think I'm good at inspiring confidence in others!

Hey, I can feel blood rushing to my toes! Thanks guys, just being able to talk with you via this blog has helped! What great friends you are!


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rocky, a very good friend

My second life is richly decorated by many wonderful people. Great friends with brains, compassion, wit and patience. They are generous with their time, knowledge and laughter.

I'm quite sure I met Rocky at the reference desk. He and his dear, wonderful wife Cindy visited one night when we were all in rare form. Rocky dove right in with his own brand of humor. But, he always seemed to be at the edge of the crowd. When I asked why that was, he replied, "I'm making sure I have a quick exit handy"!

I'm so glad that he never took that exit.

One of the best things about becoming friends with people is discovering the many talents and skills they have. Some of these aspects are immediately seen. Others take time, and the right circumstances to show themselves. For example, Rocky is a thoughtful, evocative writer.

This is shown by the speech written by Rocky in the previous post. Honestly, I could hardly believe it when I read it! I should not have been surprised, it is everything that Rocky is, wise, intelligent, thoughtful, and expressive! Please scroll down and read it, it is worth your time.

Rocky, I am so proud to call you my friend!


(And, no one passes funnier notes in class than Mr. Vallejo).

"Sophia, the Lady of Light, Wisdom and the Word"...

The following was written by Rocky Vallejo for the grand opening of Illumination Island.

Among the religious and philosophical belief systems of many different peoples, Wisdom is often portrayed as a woman of purity, grace and light.
In Greek, she is known as Sophia, one of Plato's four cardinal virtues.
In the Christian/Jewish holy book, The Bible, she speaks to humanity: "Does
not wisdom call? Does not understanding raise her voice?
" On the heights
beside the way, at the crossroads she takes her stand; "beside the gates
in front of the town, at the entrance of the portals she cries aloud.
Sophia...her message, often unheard in a world loudly pressing on to
make one more Linden, is one of self reflection, and an understanding
of the potential within each of us to make a difference and truly enjoy
our lives and life around around us.
When I first visited Xinoxi's sim, then on the Willow sim I could hear her...
I could feel her presence and held her hand as she walked with me through
her land. She shown out to me brightly in the visual feast of the place
its architecture and stately grounds. She led me down hallways and rooms
set out in graceful splendor opening my mind to the other name given her...
"Logos"... "The Word."
I laughed with her at the antics of Louis Wain's cats. We fled in terror
before the Martian hordes of the War of the Worlds, winced at Elizabeth
Bennet's rebuff of Mister Darcy's initial offer of marriage, tumbled
down the rabbit hole with
Alice and voyaged 20,000 leagues under the
sea with Captain Nemo.
Robert Louis Stevenson knelt with us in prayer and while our eyes were closed,
connecting with the Deity, Peter Rabbit snuck into our garden and cleared
us out of our carrots!
We passed Shakespeare deep in conversation with Sun Tzu on strategems of love and war
and tiptoed by Nietzsche brooding in a corner.
Out again into the sunlight we lost ourselves in the maze and finally stood
in awe in the midst of the Olympian temple of the gods.
On Illumination Island I could shut out the day to day din that presses in
on us in both real life and second life, and see the light, feel the grace
and hear the words that Wisdom has to offer me here.
"... for wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot
compare with her."
Thank you, Xinoxi for sharing this place with us. We in the library community welcome you
and wish you all the best as the newest member of our archipelago.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Dances with Refrigerators?

Our dear friend Leeorie bought a new house for her property. So, she decided to have a going away party for the current house. She, being the good person that she is, invited every soul in Second Life. Little did she know that they would all show up!

Can you say sim crash? Yep, Lee's party crashed the sim.

Lee had mentioned that we were to help her get ready for the big move to her new house. So, we all decided to give her a hand, by removing her furniture, to our houses. This is what friends do for one another, we help out. So, Bucky grabbed the fridge, Liz shouldered the book rack, Alacrity had a lamp, Kat hoisted a large floor pillow. Not being a greedy sort, Insouciance simply took a lampshade. Amalia having put dibs on the bed, but decided to provide musical entertainment for the movers. Lourdes and Hypatia were so concerned about the chairs they wanted, they decided the best thing to do was simply sit on them until it was time to leave.

Prior to the crash, we wondered if Lee wanted to sell the lot as well. She kept yelling GARDEN, BACK YARD, and FIREPIT! She seemed to want everyone to get a good look at the place, because she would often yell, SPREAD OUT! This might be a novel idea for realtors and folks on the move. Show the place to a couple hundred folks all at one time and tell everyone to grab a piece of furniture on their way out.

It was a great time! Thanks Lee, and good luck in the new house.

(Lee, I forgot to grab that nice easy chair...I'll be by later to pick it up).

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Hey Maniacs. I've posted another ad for the Infomaniacs television program [har] on my Flickr site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/srharris/2718491700/

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

He Never Even Doodled!

The images above provide proof positive that its never too late for a talent to be nurtured. Alacrity has returned to college to pursue a BFA! The images above are but two of his works currently on display on the second floor of the Library Art Gallery.

The paintings have a wonderful sense of whimsy! The viewer is drawn in by the shapes and colors, and enchanted by the juxtaposition of the subjects. Two jelly beans and a fork! The fork just lies there, defeated by the tiny treats! The toy bear perched on a bowl of eggs and an lemon is delightful. How often does a still life painting make you smile? I'll leave you to discover the magic of the toy ducks in person.

As charming as the images are, there is a lot of skill involved as well. Creating an evocative image from a fork and jelly beans is not easy. So, Alacrity succeeds on several fronts; pleasing images, excellent skills, and a sense of wonder. Be sure to visit the gallery, its on Info Island.

Monday, July 28, 2008

InfoGroupie v. InfoManiac

Last fall many of us felt that we wanted a group just for those of us who loved hanging out at the reference desk. The purpose was to be able to communicate with one another. Of course the first step was to come up with a name. Insane brainstorming ensued, and the InfoGroupies was chosen.

As so often happens, the next day I thought of the title Infomaniac! Now, I'd already paid the 100 Lindens, so I thought, why not have one name for the group, and another for the members! Most groups have member titlers different than the group name. So, we all became Infomaniacs. (By the way, there are some other titles available, and we can create a few more. If you have a suggestion for at group titler, let me know).

Later on the Relay for Life team came to be. When asked what our team name was, the term Infomaniac Racers popped into my head. The team needed a group, so I named it the Infomaniacs, period. The thinking was that this group could have different goals at different times as needed. Plus, I loved that name and wanted it for us! So, the group called the Infomaniacs was born.

Anyway, there is no 'special' group of folks in the Infomaniacs. No clique, no secret messages, no private events. Believe me when I say that I need as many organizational tools as possible to help keep me on track.

The InfoGroupies is my first group, my favorite group, and consists of my very best friends.

If this doesn't answer your questions, PLEASE talk with me!


I Could Have Danced All White

One small comment in IM, "I'm bored" triggered this great party! Bud said to ask Amalia to fire up the Jazz Cat and invite folks to come dressed in white! So that is what she did! Before we knew it, avs were dropping out of the sky dressed in white, mostly, the men in tuxedos, and the cat in, well, the cat was dressed in future hairballs! It was great fun!

It proves what we have said all along, the InfoGroupies are simply the best folks in the metaverse! We have a great time, wonderful conversations, and we LAUGH! A lot.

Stoli showed up in a darlin' white tux, and suggested that we have a party in hell! Bucky chimed in, suggesting flowing lava, Lena donned a glowing red 'halo', and within minutes we had a theme for our October TX950 party. The date of the last Friday in October is the 31st! Perfect!

Thanks everyone for, well, everything! We do rock!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Anne!

Anne of Green Gables is one hundred years old today! That kindred spirit is celebrated at Imagination Island, in the Rachelville area. There are many links available here as well. Its a very impressive collection, brought to you by Rocky Vallejo, Cindy Elkhart and BrianA Corleone. The lovely gramophone was build by Rocky. I think he should open an antiques shoppe.

As long as you are going to visit, be sure to check out the American Folk Art exhibit in the plaza area. And, if that weren't enough, go see the new library building! It still houses the wonderful mythic collection, but in an entirely new building. Its great.

Ok, still not motivated to go over? There is a new pub as well! Cindy really outdid herself on this one. Its a warm and charming place to hang out.

Here is a perfect example of what SL is all about. Impressive builds, interesting information, and the greatest people! Rocky, Cindy, and Brian are some of my dearest friends. They are consistently kind, thoughtful, and just plain fun to be with! They are pretty darn smart too! So, go on over and wish Anne a happy birthday, um, year? You won't regret it.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Ahhhh-wooooooooooo Werewolves of SL

Is this a nice, tame black lab taking time to smell the roses in his backyard kingdom?

Is it a hungry, feral wolf lurking in the underbrush awaiting a chance to leap out and capture prey?

Or, is it Stolvano Barbosa in a dense corner of the Infomaniac Racers' garden, after dashing about marking his territory?

SL is all about imagination, isn't it?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Infomaniac Racers' Campsite

This is a view of our campsite from atop the waterfall. The Relay for Life consists of 20 sims, a route that will take about an hour to walk, and incredible builds for the public areas. It also has the campsites for the over 80 teams that have been working hard to generate funds to fight cancer.

The campsite is a place for the team members and their friends to relax, talk, dance, and have fun. Because we are all lovers of libraries, we decided to create oversize books that pay tribute to those who have been impacted by cancer. The stories and writings are beautiful. I hope you will come by to see them. I'll send a landmark as soon as the sims are made open to the public. The bridge is called the Booklyn Bridge!

This photograph says hope to me. A new day, another chance to love and be loved. And of course, it says that we are not alone in our desire to rid the planet of cancer.

One of the goals is to have a team member walking the track at all times for the 24 hours of the relay. The reason for this is that cancer never sleeps. I consider each of you an honorary member of the Infomaniac Racers team. If you could walk for one hour in honor of all those who have been affected, it would be a wonderful thing! But, honestly, the kind support you give on a daily basis is reward enough. Haldin and I have had some trying times, but you, dear friend, have made it so much easier to bear.

When we come to SL we know that we are cared about, cared for, and loved! We know that you will help us laugh! You are making a positive difference in our lives. There are not words enough to thank you. But, know that each of you is special. Very special! In many ways you have become our extended family.

Many thanks to Krull Aeon for the terra forming, and the creation of a magnificent water feature that only existed in the imagination. My appreciation to Amalia Broome and Judi Newall for their significant contributions as well.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Maybe a Title Will Come to Me

Maybe not.

This is me, at the Jazz Cat after a rather long day in both lives. There were good friends here. Friends who don't ask why I'm not dancing. Friends who are happy just being in the same room with me, even when I'm grumpy.

The photograph tells the story. The mood is perfect. The art deco bar, the deep blue colors and the singer's portrait in the corner set a tone. As does the iconic tree of lights.

I'll quit now, because a picture is indeed worth a thousand words.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Life is not Fair!

How did this incredible injustice happen? Why did the person on the left get so many pixels to work with, and the poor dear on the right so few? There seems to be a major imbalance in the amount of skin colors available as well!

It just breaks my heart to see this outrageous lack of equality in SL! The underprivileged person is clearly upset about it as well. Her brows are knitted, her lips pursed, her body language stiff with anger! The av on the left looks more than a bit smug over her good fortune.

I think a letter writing campaign to Phil or M Linden is in order! This must not be tolerated! Are you with me?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

No Need for a Name on this Office Door!

Just one look will tell who works here! Torley Linden! What an awesome use of shapes, colors and that wonderful quality called creativity! Its so much fun just to look at! And, if you would like a Torley Linden bear, its way at the top, (indicated by obnoxious white arrow I added. Torley would never be so boring).

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Roger Ebert's Guide to Camping?

It started as a great night for a party! Amalia Broome hosted a great bash at the Jazz Cat to celebrate Freedom. The crowd was large, and the fun even bigger! Later in the evening, folks moved on, leaving a handful of us dancing and pondering the profound SL issues. And, as usual with the InfoGroupies, it all began innocently enough.

Galia Beck, Timo Dumpling, Forelle Broek,
Alacrity Lorefield, Espin Carroll, Stolvano Barbosa, Lludmila Mirrikh, Gray Pennell, and I started talking about camping, campers and camperbots. We discussed whether camping should be allowed, how new folks might earn money, and how the zombie camper bots were just plain scary. Then Alacrity said "The Night Of The Camperbots, In Technicolor"! And we were off! What follows is the list of 573 camping titles! (Injury Report: Aching sides, sore cheeks from smiling, breathlessness due to laughter, spitting up on a keyboard, and a complete collapse).

* The Night Of The Camperbots, In Technicolor! * Sunrise At Camperbotello

* Son Of The Bride Of Camper * Son Of A Camper!

* Hallocampween * The Texas Camper Massacre

* Teenage Mutant Ninja Campers * Camper Van Newbie

* LA Camperdential. * Night Of The Living Campers?

* I Was A Teenage Camper... * The Day The Campers Stood Still

* The Revenge Of The Campers * I Know Where you Camped Last Summer

* Camper With Out A Cause * Citizen Camper

* Campers In Black. * The Hudsucker "Camper

* Forrest Camp * Men In Campers

* Mommy Camper * A Camper For All Seasons

* Three Campers In Space * Return Of The Camper

* Camper Boulevard * How To Cook A Camper

* 9 1/2 Campers * Camper Wars

* Camp Hot Pot * Last Camper In Paris

* Two Campers And A Baby * The Dirty Campers

* Camperella * Acampolypse Now

* Planet Of The Campers * West Side Camper

* Conan The Camper * Return To Planet Of The Campers

* The Camper Zone * Leave It To Camper

* Battlecamp Gallactica * Campers Island

* Tim The Camp Toolman * They Shoot Campers Don't They!!!!!

* Charlie's Campers * Campzilla

* Lord Of The Campers * Gone With The Campers

* Camper Of The Flies * Fellowship Of The Campers

* The Two Campers * The Two Campers

* The Lord Of The Campers * Indiana Camper

* The Call Of The Camper * The Campling

* Camp Expectations * The Campers Guide To The Galaxy

* And The Temple Of Campers * Camper And Clyde

* Campers Of The Lost Ark * Or The Hitchhikers Guide To Camping

* Campers At The End Of The Universe * Campers Guide To The Galaxy

* So Long And Thanks For All The Campers * Maltese Camper

* The Thin Camper * How To Be Camp When Camping

* A Camper Runs Through It * Campers For Dinner

* My Big Fat Greek Camper * Guess Who’s Camping For Dinner?

* The Royal Camperbaums * Mccamper And The Fenceposts Rock

* Camp And Campability * The Seven Year Camper

* A Camper For All Seasons * Do Not Camp My Style

* Camper The Cape Crusader * The Man With The Golden Camper

* Batman And Camper * Campbusters

* You Only Camp Twice * Camping On The Ritz

* When Harry Met Campers * The Camper Always Rings Twice

* Camper's Eleven * Ten Ways To Lose A Camper

* Harry Potter And The Camper's Stone * My Best Friend's Camping

* How To Marry A Camper * Don't Shoot The Camper

* Gentlemen Prefer Campers * From Here To Campernity

* The Road To Camping * Dances With Campers

* Please Don't Eat The Campers * Campers At Tiffany's

* Don’t Drink The Camper * Mum I Shrunk The Campers

* The Good The Bad And The Camper * Invasion Of The Camping Snatchers

* To Catch A Camper * Here Comes The Camper!

* Supercamper * The Pink Camper

* Camper By The Dozen * A Hard Day's Camping

* All The Camper's Men * Snow White And The Seven Campers

* No Country For Old Campers * E.T., The Camper

* Lock Stock And Two Smoking Campers * The Camping Submarine

* All The Pretty Campers * The Camping Submarine

* Pretty Camper * The Working Camper

* All The President's Campers * Camped Yesterday

* Camper Vs. Camper * Young Campenstein

* War Of The Campers * Campers Of The Sierra Madre

* Mirabelle's Camping * Edward Camperhands

* Finding Campers * To Sink The Camper

* Beatlecamper * Butch Campsidy And Campdance Kid

* Come Back Little Camper * Das Camp

* How To Succeed In Camping Without Really Trying * To Kill A Mocking Camper

* Rebecca And He Sunnybrook Camp * The Flying Campstead

* Little Camp On The Prairie * The Magnificent Campersons

* Campers Day Night * Ideal Camping, The Ins And Outs Of Tent Pegs

* The Camper And The Beast * Saving Private Camper

* The Longest Camper * To Camp And Back

* Captain Camper And The World Of Tomorrow * 2001* A Camper Odyssey

* Smokey And The Camper * To Camp And Camp Not

* The Camper Of The Ring * Le Camp Aux Folles

* Bird Camp * The Camper Wreckers

* Call Of The Camp * Bob And Camp And Camp And Camp

* Farewell To Campers * Campertdown ( A Road Accident)

* Campers Of The Caribbean * Camping Holiday

* For Whom The Camp Tolls * Starship Campers

* Sweet Camper * "Campertown Lady Sing That Song, Doo Dah, Doo Dah"

* V For Camper * My Fair Camper

* The Camptrix * The Sound Of Campers

* The Planet Of The Campers * Aeoncamper

* Econocamp * Paint Your Camper

* The Lion The Witch And The Camper * Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Camper

* Campanology * It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad Camper

* A Camp With A View * Lady And The Camper

* Laura Croft, Camp Raider * The Adventures Of Robin Camper

* The Campers Of Madison County * A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Camping

* Antiques Camp Show * Sherlock Holms, The Camper In Red

* The X-Campers * Lonesome Camp

* C*A*M*P * Das Cabinet Des Dr Camper

* The Camper Rising * I Came, I Saw, I Camped

* Camper, Texas * Kiss Of The Spider Camper

* The Three Campertiers * A Midsummer Night's Camper

* The Camper In The Iron Mask * The Dam Campers

* King Camper * Pirates Of The Caribbean - The Curse Of The Black Camper

* La Belle Camper Sans Merci * Sinbad And The Eye Of The Camper

* The Passion Of The Campers * The Camper Of Notre Dame

* Be Camped * The Camp Of Monte Cristo

* It Happened One Camping Night * Hunting For - A Place To Camp

* Ali Baba And The Forty Campers * The Phantom Of The Camper

* Die Niebelungenkamper * A Campfederacy Of Dunces

* Devil In Mrs. Camper * The Camper Of Monet Cristo?

* El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote De La Camper * My Camping Ex-Girlfriend

* "To Camp, Or Not To Camp, That Is The Question." * Camplet?

* Campso Pansa * The Joy Of Camping

* Murder By Camping * Romeo And Campulette?

* The Gay Joy Of Camping * Camping She Wrote

* Campablanca * Everything You Wanted To Know About Camping

* Campula, Dead And Loving It * The Naked And The Camper

* Never Give A Camper An Even Break * Camping On The Orient Express

* Paradise Camped * Holy Camper

* Big Camping In Little China * Infinite Camp

* In Search For The Holy Camper * Camperdile Dundee

* Bill & Ted's Excellent Camping Adventure * The Da Vinci Camper

* The Camper Code * Fear Of Camping

* Angels And Campers * Ten Little Campers

* Back To The Camper * Midnight In The Garden Of Camping And Evil

* Teen Camper * Camping With Wolves

* I Was A Teenage Camper * Bonfire Of The Campers

* Dr. Camper * The Three Campers Of Eve

* The 40 Year Old Camper * I Never Promised You A Rose Camper

* Camper The Cable Guy * Diary Of A Mad Camper!

* Camp And The World Camps With You * The Story Of Eddy's Camper

* Spaced Campers * Matrix Campers

* Camp Camp Camp Baked Beans And Camp * The Campers Shall Inherit The Earth

* The Meek Shall Inherit The Camping * The Campers Of Navarone

* Easy Campers * High Camper

* A Camper Too Far * The Camper Also Rises

* High Plains Camper * All Quiet On The Camper Front

* Campers Of The Purple Sage * The Camper Never Settles

* The Camper Also Rises * Big Two-Hearted Camper

* For Who The Camper Tolls * The Camper Rings Twice

* House Of The Flying Campers * Fall Of The House Of Campers

* The Incredible Camper * The Telltale Camper

* The Camp Of Amontillado * Camper And Jane

* The Valley Of The Campers * Alien Vs. Camper

* The Camper List * The Camper Sisters

* Repent And Be Camper * Crouching Tiger, Hidden Camper

* Boys In The 'Mp * Enter The Camper

* The Jolly Green Camper * Camperspotting

* A Shallow Camp * The Luck Of Roaring Camper

* Ben Camper * The Celebrated Jumping Camper Of Calaveras County

* Camperhog Day * The Ten Campmandments

* How Much Is That Camper In The Window * The Camper Code

* It's A Mad, Mad, Camper * Thou Shalt Not Camp Outside The Designated Camp Spot

* How To Win Friends And Influence Campers * The League Of Extraordinary Campers

* Reservoir Campers * 20,000 Campers Under The Sea

* She's Gotta Camp It * On Golden Camper

* Sex Lies And Campers * Butterfield Camp

* Camper Of The Iguana * Campford Wives

* The Seven Deadly Campers * The Attack Of The Giant Campers

* The 50 Foot Camper * Third Camp From The Sun

* The Magnificent Seven Campers * Campership Down

* National Camper * This Camper Earth

* The Camper Of Oz * Behind The Green Camper

* The Pink Camper * Seven Campers For Seven Brothers

* Mystery Science Camper 3000 The Movie * Six Degrees Of Camperation

* It Takes Two To Camp * Revenge Of The Pink Camper

* A Camper In The Dark * Easy Camper

* Superman Recamps * The Camper Who Came Out Of The Cold

* Those Magnificent Campers In Their Camping Chairs * Who's Afraid Of Virginia Camper?

* When Campers Collide * Smiley's Campers

* The Camper Who Never Was * About A Camper

* Dead Campers Don't Wear Plaid * The Day The Camper Stood Still

* The Camper Conspiracy * Rosemary's Camper

* In The Gulag Campapelago * Why Did The Camper Cross The Road?

* Notting Camper * Mork And Camper

* For What Camper The Bell Tolls * Camping With The Stars

* Much Ado About Camping * Rocky Horror Camper Show

* Camper Almighty * The Brothers Camper

* Take Another Little Piece Of My Camp Now Baby * The Life Of Camper

* Anna Campenina * Shall We Camp?

* Camper And Camper * Irma La Camp

* War And Camp * Campfather

* The Day The Earth Stood Camping * How The Camper Stole Christmas

* Notes From The Camperground * The Camper In The Hat

* The Bobsey Campers * The Three Campers

* It's A Wonderful Camper * My Man Camper

* The Camper In The Gray Flannel Suit * When Its Camper Time Down South

* Campigula * The Secret Life Of Walter Camper

* Close Camping Of The Third Kind * Our Man In Campvana

* Our Man Camp * Guys And Campers

* Mr., Camper * The Wrong Camper

* Mr. And Mrs. Camper * Camper Of Sierra Madre

* Son Of Camper * George Washington Camped Here

* Camp Trek The Next Generation * The Bridge On The River Camp

* This Old Camper * Campy Old Men

* Campers? We Don't Need No Stinking Campers! * I Came I Saw I Camped

* Boyz N The Camp * The Camper Of Bellaire

* Spinal Camp * Dirty Camping

* Camper On The Beach * School For Campers

* The Pride of Miss Jean Camper * Beyond The Black Camper

* The Long Thin Red Camper * Back To The Camper

* The Camper Of The Black Lagoon * 101 Campers

* The Taking Of Camper 123 * Anna And The Camper Of Siam

* Camper The 13th * Camp 9 From Outer Space

* How Green Is My Camper? * The Blue Camper Brothers

* Valley Of The Campers * The Camper Story

* The Ice Man Campeth * All The President's Campers

* Profiles In Campage * Death Of A Camper

* Wag The Camper * Cat On A Hot Tin Camper

* Camp On A Hot Tim Roof * The Long Hot Camper

* The Camper Who Knew To Much * Wet Hot Camping Summer

* Lady Campers Lover * A Long Days Journey Into Camping

* Debbie Does Camper * Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Camper

* War And Camping * Have A Great Camp

* Snow White And The Seven Campers * The Crying Of Camp 49

* Who Shot Liberty Camper * The Seventh Camper

* Camped On The Fourth Of July * The Camperdown Race Track

* The Camper Of The Baskervilles * Three Men And A Camper

* Wuthering Camp * The Quiet Camper

* Camper Din * The Camper House Rules

* Mein Camp * The Little Camper

* Secret Life Of Walter Camping * Lost In Camping

* The Camping Manifesto * Dial C For Camping

* The Merry Camper * Camp Alone

* The Bell Camper * Trains Camps And Automobiles

* Camper Takes A Holiday * Camping and Peace

* Campers In The Park * Nights Of Camperia

* A Christmas Camper * Rear [Camper] Window

* Camped To Kill * The Lady Of The Camp

* Camp And Be Damned * The Philadelphia Camper

* The Isle Of Dr. Campago * Men At Camping

* The Island Of Dr Camper * The Campers (Hitchcock Movie)

* Single White Camper * Campers On A Train

* Camper (Palahniuk Novel) * Two And Half Campers

* Beneath The Valley Of The Campervixens * Looking For Mr. Campbar

* Sleeping Camper * Who Framed Camper Rabbit?

* Ask Not What your Camper Can Do For You * A Camper Does Dallas

* Ich Bin Ein Kamper * Red Badge Of Camping

* Snakes On A Camper * The Red Camper

* The Camp Over The River Kwai * Bram Stoker's Camper

* Das Camper * Mien Kampfer

* Camper On The Rue Morgue * Arsenic And Old Camp

* The Road To Campwood * Impossible Camper Or Mission Camper

* Campers Wide Shut * Animal Camp

* Much Ado About Camping * Campacus

* A Mid Summers Camper * Clan Of The Camp Chairs

* Anthony And Cleocamper * Julius Camper

* Seven Campers For Seven Sisters * The Man Who Shot Liberty Camper

* Camper In The Iron Mask * Mad Camper Beyond Thunderdome

* Campigula * Campblanca

* Is Paris Camping * The Campers Of Fire

* Stop The Camping I Want To Get Off.. * Campers On A Plane

* Five Easy Campers * Around The World In 80 Campers

* A.C. Artificial Camping * The War Of The Campers

* One Flew Over The Campers' Nest * The Andromeda Camper

* The Camping Express * The Camper Time Forgot

* Jurassic Camp * The Terminal Camper

* A Campers Dilemma, Ants * Saturday Night Camper

* The Lion, The Witch & The Camper * The Camperator

* Uncle Tom's Camper * River Camper

* Some Camper In Time * The Dream Campers

* Decamperance * Your Own Private Camp

* Camper Time * Camp & Campability

* Desperately Seeking Campers * Mr. Goodcamp

* Sleepless In Camp * The Lone Camper

* Camper To Remember * Campdide

* Glengarry Glen Camper * Campofile

* Tend Thy Camp * Camper On 34th Street

* Camper On The Roof * It's A Wonderful Camper

* The Santa Camper * Far From The Camping Crowd

* The Littlest Camper * The Greatest Camper Ever Told

* The Greatest Camper On Earth * The Hairdresser's Camper

* O Camper Where Art Thou? * The Never Ending Camp

* Camp Magnolias * The Mayor Of Camperbridge

* Legally Camping * The Headless Camper

* Henry, Portrait Of A Serial Camper * The Incampibles

* Campers By The Dozen * The Beginners Guide To Camping

* The Camper Bunch * Idiots Guide To Camping

* All In The Camping * The Camper Busters

* The Campers Guides * Three Campers For Sister Sara

* The I Love Camping Show * The Four Campers Of The Apocalypse

* How To Marry A Camper * Camper Royale

* The Camper Who Loved Me * Camperball

* The Camper Who Came In From The Cold * The Dukes Of Camper!

* Night Of The Camper * Revenge Of The Camper Vixens From Outer Space

* Much Ado About Camping * Thanks For Camping

* Chicago, That Campin' Town * Some Like It Camp

* Camp On State Street

* Dr. Strangelove* Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Campers

* Nor Covet Thy Neighbor’s Camp, Or Wife, Or Ass, Or Thy Neighbor's Wife's Ass