Last night I was at my SL home. Its a nice place, poorly decorated (my fault entirely), on a lovely island (all credit goes to Hypatia Dejavu). Once in a while I enjoy a stroll around to see what my neighbors have been doing to their homes and property. Last night I found this delightful gem!
On a corner of the sim was this lovely tent with a charming fountain out in front. It was especially inviting at night. The warm glow of the interior was beautiful! It was easy to imagine myself relaxing on the sofa, listening to the waves, watching the play of shadows as the soft netting moved with the breeze. It was charming. It seemed to me the perfect place to live in either life. Simple, clean, private and enchanting.
I have never loved any of the homes in which I have lived. Not one of them. I'm not sure why this is. I've heard friends say that they fell in love with a house. That they had to buy it and planned to live in it for ever! For me, closing the front door and handing over the keys to the new owner was never a problem. The only reason my Second Life home is still 'standing' is that Haldin likes it.
I've cared about some of my yards. We had a great garden in New Jersey. I loved that very much, and wished I could have brought the soil and climate with me when we moved. I love the trees and space of our current yard (the fallen leaves not so much). But, when its time to move I won't feel a thing about leaving the house.
I admire the person who created this home on the beach. Its a virtual realization of a dream. Maybe thats it, the key to loving a house. Imagination to realization. Doing what you love and not caring about what it will mean for resale! That is a tall order for me. I think too much about what will happen next. Once, in an apartment, I painted an accent wall a dark, lush color. It was just beautiful. But, having to put about three coats of white paint over it before moving was awful! I've never had another accent wall.
Maybe its time to go buy some paint. Maybe the lesson is to love today, and let tomorrow take care of its self.
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